Saturday 21 July 2007

Bisset Creek, Ontario

Friday, July 6, 2007

It was a misty morning. At 4AM the highway was calm and I had begun chanting. My guru, Srila Prabhupada, was on my mind. At 4:30, going eastbound was a huge semi-trailer that stopped. With the fog and darkness, the driver couldn't truly know what I was doing. "Is everything okay?" he asked. I explained that I was and told of the walking marathon.

At 6AM, I chanted silent mantras called 'gayatri.' Crossing the road in front of me was a young fox. He circled me while keeping a safe distance, then went back to the direction in which he came.

At 7:10AM a massive moose crossed the road again in front of me northbound and then merged with the mist.

I guess the fox and moose were out there searching for food while I was out there hunting for God.

It was a short day on my legs as Doug, Yovany, Billie, and I left via the SUV to Montreal to attend the Festival of Chariots for the weekend. From there, Yovany and I join the Krishna Youth Bus Tour for three weeks. I will convene on daily reports when we hit the road again on Aug. 1, 2007.

15 kms

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