Sunday 9 September 2007

Fri., Sept. 7, 2007 Sackville, Nova Scotia

Two monks have opened up a center for mantra meditation sessions here in the city of Halifax. Nitai and Dwija are their names and I've known both of them practically since they joined. I remember Dwija coming to our Toronto ashram in 1982. His name was Dave at the time and he was a young and intelligent fellow. Now, of course, he's older (50) and even wiser. Nitai hails from St. John, New Brunswick and joined the ashram in Vancouver. At that time he was Steve. Both of these sincere young men studied and served in their respective ashrams and took the next step towards spiritual progress by being initiated. Both have contributed many good years of their lives to spreading a higher consciousness. Their phone number is 902-880-6678 and they have a website at
Nitai and Dwija have teamed up to the process of sweet surrender for this project in Halifax. They are both musical and philosophical, as well as being excellent cooks.
I was honoured to have these two bright stars walk with me for the final five kilometers into Halifax on Bedford Road.
In the evening I laid down to rest feeling very satisfied with the company given to me today.
I slept in gratitude.
33 kms

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