Sunday 10 February 2008

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tues. Nov.20/07 - Miami, Florida
It was a long overnight flight to Miami and so walking had it’s limitations due to catching up from the fatigue it imposes. I’m talking of a sleep after participating in the temple’s morning sadhana. Our benevolent doctor friend Hugo Romeu, aka, Murari Gupta treated myself and the few other resident monks to a motor boat ride off of the harbour at Coconut Grove. We were anxious to see the common manatees, sometimes referred to as large sea cows. The younger monks enjoyed a swim in the salty waters. No manatees to be seen. The doctor did warn that occasional sharks have been known to take bites out of people. Usually though sharks find human flesh foul and little is pursued after the first bite. He did mention that he treated shark bite patients. By this time the boys were out of the water and into the boat. It’s a dangerous world.
One of the top stories of the local paper featured an article, “Detroit, the Most dangerous City.” I recall it used to be Miami in terms of crime. In any event the whole planet is rather insane and dangerous.
The day ended in safe territory, the place where people sing and dance, the temple at 3220 Virginia street.
(Flying, boating, dancing).

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