Tuesday 13 May 2008

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Sunday, May 4th, 2008 - Moundsville, West Virginia

I had the good fortune to lead the chanting session for the first kirtan (chanting session) of the day. I like to start the mantras slow and easy then build it all up, speed and volume, to a crescendo. All attendees, sixty or so, were very responsive. This is truly the way to begin a day – chanting and dancing to drums and hand cymbals. What a good positive note from which to start a day! This beats sitting down most of the day, which is compulsory during meetings. Long sessions of discussions were never my cup of tea, but it is necessary for someone to do the job. My tendency is to be fidgety and antsy and to want to pace at times at the back of the room. At sessions such as strategy planning it is a time to observe diverse individuals play out their intelligent thoughts through words and body language. It’s a drama always without unwanted tensions. At least I didn’t observe any quarrel, only slight disagreement from time to time. My contribution is meager but respected whenever there is something to be said to add to future plans.

With a young monk from Miami, we ventured a dirt road through the hills. Turkey vultures sail and swirl in the air hoping to spot moving meat. After all, who is not on food search. The loft of cabin four is my accommodation and next to my pillow on the inner wall is a group of chicks nested in that wall. When mum or dad enters the hole through the exterior wall, there is tremendous excitement. A chorus begins and wings flop, swishing against the wall. It’s meal time. That’s what most of us live for. We breathe from meal to meal.

Certainly, human life holds a purpose higher than this!


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