Monday 7 July 2008

Sunday, June 29th, 2008

Sun. June 29/08 - Chicago, Illinois, USA

"You are in samadhi (trance)!" said Romapada Swami, a monk godbrother. He gave a kind shoulder massage in order to wake me up from a sit down dose, the effects of all night bus virbrations.

"We're on!" said Romapada, meaning that he and I, Chandramauli Swami and Amujavilas Swami were to address the Chicago community. The chariot parade took place here a day after detroit on Gandhi Marg, a primary street in the heart of little India of Chicago. Things went well for the procession followed by an indoor feast and entertainment held in a Croation hall. The hall had its walls adorned with warrior heros of Croatia's past. The figures resembled some of the warriors portrayed in the epic Mahabharat of which Karna is one. The banquet hall was inspiring enough from that angle.

The performance was well executed by our throupers, the youth. The Chicago youth kids in their early teens performend bhajans and I must admit they were good, sounding much like an angelic choir. Bhajans (mantras) and choir voices with minimal musical instruments are very compatible with one another. There is a need to downplay instruments and focus on the pure voice of mantra, I feel.

4 km

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