Friday 19 December 2008

Monday, December 15th, 2008

Havana, Cuba

“Hay es Luner.” ( It is Monday).
I get excited when I learn some small thing in Spanish. I hope I can retain it.

Yoel, Wendy and I made it to the Malikon. The moon was prominent. It was going to be another clear day. And we were clearing our heads (cabeza) chanting the mantra on our beads while walking. It is the most excellent way to start any day.

Today was the day to reflect on one of the great visionaries of our tradition, Bhaktisiddhanta, our guru’s guru. Very effectively he shared his view of God awareness to the sub-continent of India in the early half of the 1900’s. Of course, India can boast to already have this awareness, but in particular Bhaktisiddhanta gave attention to the work of Caitanya, the avatar who emphasized mantra chanting.

Yoel and I visit the Indian Embassy, a few short blocks from my rented apartment. There was a cordial meeting with members there.

Time was taken up at washing my own robes in the kitchen sink with dish soap (the only facility available for now), and happily hanging them to dry on the veranda. Yoel’s mother busied herself cooking for us while Yoel attended his university classes which included writing an examination. I certainly could afford to give time to do a little self-maintenance hand washing.
Looking down from the veranda I could see plenty of people walking which probably could explain why Cubans look more fit than do most North Americans.

Another evening satsang (devotional gathering) brought our little nucleus of devotees together. It was flavored with the strumming of a guitar. All things can be dovetailed or channeled into a chanting session. It’s always the devotion that counts.

9 Km

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