Tuesday 24 February 2009

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Toronto, Ontario

My Nice Nurse

Lorna is my daily nurse. She does the house calls. She comes to see me daily to change my I.V. bag, adjusts its needle and changes the batteries for the device. She also takes my blood pressure. After checking she said, "You're as fit as a teenager." When poking into a vein she noted the blood runs profusely and was having a hard time catching its trail as it took her by surprise.
"It's for pilgrimage sake - meeting people, encouraging each other and growing internally." I said,
"Is it like that Santiago walk in Spain where people go, they walk and come back a different person?" asked Lorna.
"Yes," I said, "the same idea. These long pilgrimages impact your life to the point of transformation."
With job done today, Lorna left the building, the temple where I stay, carrying a colourful garland of fresh flowers from the deity of Krishna. Each day Lorna leaves the temple with her curiosity satisfied in a small new dose. She rather likes the vibes of the temple . When she pulls off the adhesive tape that fixates the intravenous tube to the arm she expects a scream of agony. Not once has she heard the four letter swear word like from many of her patients. I mentioned to her, "I'm a monk. Here we learn to control our tongue." She was relieved.

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