Wednesday 27 May 2009

Monday, May 25th, 2009

Toilet Trouble

Toronto, Ontario

We had a good chuckle hearing from our peers, a couple from B.C. about the early Hare Krishna days on a farm. The tale was about a bunch of youthful city slickers who were trying rural life out in the sticks. Partha and Uttama, a successful married couple who travel the world on behalf of the G.V.T. a not-for-profit group of outstanding devotees who prepare people for greater potential success at married life were relaying their pastimes in agrarian Bridesville bordered on one side of the property by the American border.

It seemed that in those days of trial and error their affiliation with Agni, the fire God, was intertwined with activities. At one point the communal outhouse whose contents were piling up because of winter’s frozen and hardened ways the gaseous fluids meant for loosening up sufficiently was not working. When one contributor to the piles come in the dark and struck a match for a candle in order to aim properly. Guess what happened? An incredible glow lit up the night in that spot which sent the contributor on his feet. It was his last visit to this house of glory. The combustion came as a real surprise to him.

None of us monks who were listening to the story questioned the devotional sincerity of the Krishna pioneers, rather, their daredevilness astounded us.

I recall walking through the hamlet of the Bridesville in the summer of 2006, years after the farm was sold. Little did I know then that this was sacred ground where some interesting devotional experiments took place. The area felt special.

3 Km

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