Tuesday 5 January 2010

Monday, January 4th, 2010

For History

Montreal, Quebec

There is something I’m most excited about. Last fall in a gathering of Krishna devotees in Venables Valley, British Columbia, a firm decision was made to archive documents and any related matter to do with early ISKCON Canada. We are looking at getting ourselves organized for the posterity cause. This afternoon, a second generation young woman, Radha Krishna, accepted the offer to head up the project. With her background in archival education, you could not come up with a greater find. Thank you, Radha.

Theologians and history buffs should like the kind of stuff that we will gather of the recent past – ’67 and on. We are anticipating a book or books on the early struggles of establishing or transplanting an ancient culture to the New World. It is remarkable what transpired; that in the core of counter-culture emerged a consciousness of Krishna down in the lower eastside of New York. The essential teachings of Earth’s human cradle, in India, surfaced in the spearhead civilization of the 20th century, America. Canada was the second recipient of this happening and that will be the focus of the project. Thank you, Krishna!

While this decision occupied happy moments, some time was reserved to address personal attacks via internet. It is indeed unfortunate that internet has been the medium for a ‘put down’ culture based largely on hearsay, rumours and gossip. Shame!

That all redeeming activity – walking, puts to temporary ease, anxiety of various kinds. And, of course, it can’t go without chanting the maha mantra, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

3 Km

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