Saturday 12 June 2010

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

The Dandy Dhoti

Toronto, Ontario

Weather couldn’t be better. It’s sunny with a fresh feel in the air. The Penn boys, Praveen and I trekked our usual streets. I got on Nitai’s case.

“Hey, where’s the dhoti?” (a male’s lower garment).

“It needs washing”, he said.

“Yeah! So! I implied that everyone does laundry. You do it in time. Nitai took it well.

I always encourage the devotional attire. It stands out. People seem to like it. I’ll give Nitai another try. After all he’s a good man.

Laghu Hari, a monk from South Africa, just arrived to add to our transcendental drama team. He’s a great actor and a master puppet maker. As a welcome treat I took him to a fiddle head feast. I make it an annual trip to Oakville where a lovely couple prepare a feast with that main item on the menu. It’s Laghu’s first try at first chute of this fern plant.

Laghu did come off the plane the previous day in his devotional duds. He likes his prasadam food and he likes his clothes (for what they represent).

It was a pleasant surprise to see the most recent copy of “Back to Godhead” magazine, the bi-monthly publication which focuses on Krishna devotionalism. In the June issue an article which I wrote about last summer’s trek through Fiji is featured. I showed this article to Bharat, a young mechanical engineer, who came to visit our ashram for three days. After looking at the photos of the article, showing men in kurta and dhoti, he asked me, “ Can I purchase a dhoti?”

You sure can. I’ll arrange it for you tomorrow.

7 KM

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