Friday 11 November 2011

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

I Took A Break

Toronto, Ontario

I took a break from administrative duties to walk one of our brahmacaris (monks), Yogendra, to a spot for his meeting people on Bloor St. to interest them in books on spirituality. Upon arriving at the corner of Spadina, a chap came forward, drawn by the robes, and took interest. I proceeded back to the ashram. Not but one block away a couple of young women were raising awareness towards an organization called "Because I Am A Girl." It raises funds for women who need assistance particularly in areas of the world where attention is lacking. I was approached by one of the women. With her index finger in the air she indicated with a kind voice, "Just one minute!" So I stopped and listened. Her black binder with hot-pink writing entitled "Because I Am A Girl" sparked a question in my mind.

"What about the boys?" I asked in the least challenging tone. I added that women are treated quite second rate in developing countries. I mentioned to her that I see that in my travels. In the developed world, however, it is somewhat reversed. My opinion is at least in Canada most large-sized bill board images are of women. Men are usually the butt of jokes, legally they are at a disadvantage, and when it comes to decision making within a couple, the woman usually has the last say. The girl seemed to agree with what I said.

My plea with her was that I wish we could balance matters fairly. "That would be a perfect situation don't you think?"

She was gracious as a listener and I invited her to our temple dining room where we have fabulous vegetarian meals. After the dialogue I took off by foot-power to destinations; the ashram and Govindas Dining Hall.

I believe it always pays off to have a balanced diet in eating and in attitude. Extremes create indigestion.

10 KM

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