Friday 3 August 2012

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Broadcast System

Kingston, Ontario

“A Hare Krishna monk is in town and he’s walking across Canada for the fourth time. He’s walking to promote the using of the feet and to include spirituality.”

Such was the message broadcast over the airwaves on “The Fly and The Drive Radio Station.” I also was interviewed at Queen’s University Campus with CFRC. It was remarkably coincidental to see an acquaintance in the bay next to me. Cameron, a former student, poked out of the studio once I was completed with the studio and reminded me of when he played Hanuman, the monkey warrior, in ‘The Ramayan’, a production I directed at Lakehead University. Darron Davis also came to the highway where we were as the reporter with CKWS-TV. Finally, Colin came out to do an article for Kingston’s daily paper, The Whig Standard. The response in the city was phenomenally great.

And what else? You are looking at being at the location where the great lakes begin or rather end, when you consider the flow of the water. The Kingston area is also one of the sites of battle between the French and English, and like all these waters, conflicts with the Americans in the war of 1812, it is interesting to note that historically we have the tendency to choose the wrong battles, and that it is prevalent in all of us. Perhaps we should consider that our true identity has nothing to do with one’s ethnicity.

I am not an American, a Canadian, French or English, I am a spirit, a spark of light. I am not this body.

Our day ended with a double dose of spirituality. More strumming on the sitar strings occupied Scott’s hand to accompany our chants. We also chatted about the topic of doubt which tends to visit everybody’s minds now and then. Daruka and I even managed to meet a group of Christians at a drop in center on Princess Street. I was thrilled to mingle amongst non fundamentalists. We found these people genuine.

I should also not fail to mention today, honours one of our principal Avatars, Sri Balaram, the brother of Krishna.

29 Km

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