Saturday 1 February 2014

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Toronto, Ontario

Two Years for TS

In the ashram/temple we cut a birthday cake.  It’s been a two year running of Tuesday’s sanga

What to many people is a most boring and dull time of the week, Tuesday afternoon/evening, is actually a real life - my spirit occasion, when the sanga rolls around.  Sanga means soul association.  When people come together for spiritual centric purposes, the topics are about higher consciousness.  The procedure is rather interactive.  There is also kirtan, a chanting done in unison.  The special feature is prasadam, blessed food, and tonight it was a cake to boot. 

Manaksi, a loyal attendee, baked the best cake in the universe, with the main ingredient being pecan flour.  It was nectar for the tummy and the tongue. 

For the ears, I was asked to speak about the importance of sanga, so I made reference to the Bhagavad Gita, 10.9:

“Devotees derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me.” – Sri Krishna.

During the session where I asked for comments one fellow said, “I come regularly on Tuesday and it’s such a relief for me.  It’s a nice break from the materialistic world.”

A woman spoke as well, admitting that she was reluctant to participate in the beginning, but when she got the encouragement from family, she attended and had a change of heart.  She likes the community/family feel. 

The coordinator, Indresh, spoke about how attendance has fluctuated over the 100 weeks plus.  Tonight, at the session, there was 25 strong.  Not the largest turn out.  Sometimes due to weather conditions, five or six diehards show up.  Indresh seemed to indicate that Tuesday is special, and the program will go on despite the accordion dynamic of attendance. 

Personally, I enjoy the sanga, social company and a Krishna cake.  I couldn’t enjoy the walk today, some spasm hit my left side, so I spent a portion of the day using my own recipe on physiotherapy, trying to take care. 

May the Source be with you!

0 KM

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