Monday 31 March 2014

Saturday, March 29th, 2014

Toronto, Ontario

As Much As You Can

Rajneesh, so kindly drove me to Professor’s Lake in Brampton on the way to his home.  It was 11 PM and it was the first shot I had to get out and move around.  I needed to wind down.

“In order for me to get a decent sleep,” I told him, “I need to exert some physical exercise.” 

Rajneesh is very understanding.  He’s a social worker by profession and is sensitive to the human need, so we pulled into the parking lot and both took that trek for a half hour in circumambulation of the lake.  Hundreds of geese appeared to be in samadhi (trance).  You could see them faintly.  Some of them blurted out their ever so common honking sounds.  I was surprised to see ice, although thin, still on the lake’s surface.  All was serene and all was dark – a perfect place to end the day of beautiful busyness at the ashram where there was a memorial kirtan, a play practice, important calls to receive and to send, a bustling Govinda’s eating activity and intense cooking in the kitchen for the annual Yoga Show, and plus, the sanding and painting within the walls of our area.  All of these goings on were happening for the sake of advancing the spiritual cause. 

Frankly, the geese likely had a hectic day as well, and now they were resting on their laurels and acting the type of meditation they understand.  We all have to function within our own capacity.  As humans, the obligation is to be as introspective as you can. 

May the Source be with you!

 3 KM

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