Sunday 27 April 2014

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Toronto, Ontario

With His Finger

In our ashram office, a small packet was lying there on the desk.  I was curious.  It had arrived by regular post, I guess.  I opened the package, got to the contents, and saw it to be a complimentary copy of a CD entitled, “Mighty Govinda”, by the artist of the same name.  It’s a dancey piece of music with a touch of reggae, hip hop and classical music.  It’s upbeat.  I think I could walk to this genre of music.  It made me happy, gave me pleasure.  That’s all anybody ever wants anyways, right?  We desire ananda (joy). 

Don’t we all know from experience that where there’s pleasure there also will be some pain.  I have been concerned about my right index finger giving some botheration for a straight month now.  Not quite sure what it is – some minor infection.  It was some coincidence that I read from a calendar of Prabhupada’s meditations, a daily excerpt from his realization.  While listening to the music, I had a hard look at the finger, when I happened to glance at the quote for today. 

“If there is little pain in the finger, I become so much disturbed because I’ve got intimate connection with this finger.  Similarly, we have got intimate connection with Krishna, and we are fallen.  Therefore, Krishna always also feels little pain, and therefore, He comes down.  Krishna is feeling pain, so you become Krishna Conscious, then Krishna will feel pleasure.” – Srila Prabhupada.

May the Source be with you!

8 KM

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