Thursday 29 January 2015

Monday, January 26th, 2015


From Airport To Airport

Hours were given to air, little on ground.  Hours were also given to mantra, and not words, shastra (holy texts).  I was not able to carry on much of anything.  Baggage on flight was stowed as check-in, and so I was left with mantra only, but that’s okay, it’s positive providence.  In the Detroit airport, I went for a juice at a newsstand.  The woman at the counter asked about my clothes. 

“I’m a monk, a Hare Krishna monk,” I answered.  After I made the purchase, done in a hurry due to a tight flight connection, the young black woman was waiting.  Her eyes looked at me with an anticipation as I grabbed change and the receipt.  She asked another question.

“Well, aren’t you gonna tell me somethin’?”  When I said, “Hare Krishna”, the term didn’t register even when I gave its origins, “An ancient tradition from India.  By now a lineup occurred behind me, and so hastily I offered her a, “God bless,” and so, I believe, she felt it. 

Most folks on flights were on business trips.  The clothes, the demeanor, and their talking revealed their convictions.  I can appreciate that they were in that mode.  It would just be nice if God could be inserted here and there, like the juice lady who wanted just a small hint of the spiritual as an insertion for the day.

May the Source be with you!

0 KM

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