Wednesday 15 April 2015

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015


Heart Throbs

As the plane flew through the African sky, my heart throbbed over the feeling for those good souls I spent the last week with in Durban.  Two of those souls from the Zulu background had received diksa initiation.  Bhaktin Lobe became Lila, and Bhima became Bhishma.  Congratulations!

To them, and to all who gave me so much support and love during my stay, in both South Africa and Mauritius, I offer my humble obeisance.  As usual, I put the recent past behind and look ahead.  Only occasionally would I revisit moments of the now gone.  For the present, well, being in a plane and looking at the screen in front of me about the story of a woman who walked across Australia’s desert with four camels and a dog gave me mixed feelings.  I found the docudrama not very interesting, but it did make me hanker for being hugged by the Earth.  My mind raced very fast to the future in anticipation for a walk from Boston to Butler Pennsylvania, and then New York, this September.  That will be heaven, to get out of the straight jacket seat at J57 in the aircraft that I was in, and then walking the northeast of the US, that would be heaven. 

I must remind myself, however, of patience as the ultimate virtue.

May the Source be with you!

0 KM

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