Tuesday 22 December 2015

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015
Burnaby, British Columbia

Do Monks Eat Pizza?

Do monks eat pizza? Answer is yes, in our order, we do. Do monks take sweets? I

confess – sometimes. Do monks partake in samosas? Most definitely.

When it comes to eating I do not break rules, but there is one condition, the menu must be prasadam; food offered to Krishna. ‘Consecrated’ would be the word. We talked a little bit about the process of consecration, that is, food transformation, at the home of Jaya Sachi Suta and Julan Yatra, a very nice mature couple of siblings that hail from Fiji. They also ended up being the cooks to the meal that we enjoyed.

In addition to the above mentioned items on the menu I relished the juice, something called 'sour sop,' a macaroni salad, and tomato soup, as well as tamarind and coriander dips. It was a killer of a meal. This couple always spoils me. Other guests were there also.

For more information about a monk’s lifestyle in Krishna Consciousness, it really has much to do with eating, sleeping, meeting, and defending.

Now when we meet, whether it be amongst monks, lay members, or newcomers, we usually open a book and read something enlightening. I took the liberty at the gathering to pull off the shelf, Canto 1 of the text ‘Srimad Bhagavatam’ to the chapter, ‘Questions by the Sages’. The passage I read and discussed spoke of the hunger to the hearing of Krishna’s pastimes. The passage read much like a description of a succulent meal. The ‘pastimes’ were described as ‘sweet’ and ‘relishable’.

So, I got to thinking, that sacred verses or sacred passages are like a feast of a delectable magnitude.

May the Source be with you!

6 km


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