Wednesday 3 February 2016

Sunday, January 24th 2016

Sunday, January 24th 2016
Toronto, Ontario

Protect Your Actual Self

It was Shelly’s birthday.  As is often done, when a member of the community has a birthday he/she will visit the temple.  They may catch the early service – at 4:30 am as she did.  Shelly came with her mom.  She is very self-motivated and wanted to be there for the chanting and the blessings.

Blessings are regarded as a favour from the higher-ups, ultimately the highest up (Krishna). The dictionary also relays something about protection when speaking about blessings. Protection is quite the priority for people these days.  Much finance is invested in it, in the most practical sense, involving everything from installing cameras, securing locks everywhere, keeping a guard dog, learning self-defence and so on.

For the general populace there is a form of danger that is overlooked.  That danger is called maya.  Our guru, Srila Prabhupada, once said of his students that they have a problem of not sufficiently fearing maya.  By maya he meant the temptations of the world.

Actually, the illusions of the world are something to be concerned about; hence we need protection - a spiritual protection.  When we don’t obtain protection we become most vulnerable.

It is essential that the soul, which is our true identity, be guarded.  Chant the name Krishna and give it a try, if you haven’t already. Chant and be happy. Be protected!

May the Source be with you!

6 km

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