Monday 13 June 2016

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016
Bristol, Indiana

Slow Down!

The theme of the day was like the lines from Simon and Garfunkel's song which goes, "Slow down, you move too fast.  You've got to make the mornin' last...Hello, lamp-post, whatcha knowin'..."

As Uttama and I approached the area of Bristol we witnessed quite the frenzy and frequency of cars zipping by.  The sudden drench of rain didn't slow down traffic, nor did it slow me down.  Uttama vied for standing under a tree but I know from experience that you're better to keep going because that means keeping warm.  Fortunately Gopal came with the van to fetch Uttama.  I stayed on and I witnessed, once again, the fast pace of life.

One man, with that corporate appearance, pulled over and asked if I could share some wisdom.  My response, "We're human and we're meant for walking and being spiritual."

The fellow said, "In this area, where there are the Amish, they insist on a slower pace of life."  And that is so because in the madness of traffic the Amish of the old order passed by me with horse and buggy.  It is totally accepted by the big truck people and the young guys in Cameros - they slow down.  I might also add, that the Amish ride in style.

Later I met a sweet young woman in her middle-age who was walking, and we converged at the same juncture on highway 120.  She spoke about her philosophy, "I walk every day because I want to be fit to serve the Lord and others."

"Good girl!" I thought.  She hit it, spot on.  She was going at the speed of 3 miles per hour - my speed.  It is a pace that’s more calm than all the traffic.  Keep singin' it, Simon and Garfunkel.

May the Source be with you!

20 miles

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