Thursday 8 December 2016

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Toronto, Ontario

The Floor

Our temple room in Toronto has a tilt to the floor and when you walk on its surface, it’s easy enough to see and feel the slant.  Walking this morning on that eternal slant was easily my greatest challenge, as when I walk on the shoulder of a road.  You know, the engineering of any road’s construct is such that the slant accommodates a rainfall’s run-off.

Incidentally, because of a cold rain, I decided to walk-off my food intake indoors. That left me pacing the temple room floor which has a glossy linoleum finish.  It has been suggested the floor be replaced with marble tiling.  If that was ever to happen, it would not be a foot-happy situation.  Currently, the floor is soft, pliable, and even danceable because of the pine wood slats underneath and the spring effect there, that was initially intended.

It is this part of our building that was built in 1911.  Our other section was up first.  A cornerstone indicates that it was erected in 1897.  It was a Methodist congregation who occupied and built up the place, with its smart limestone exterior, at this great location near the museum, just north of Queen’s Park, blocks from the country’s largest university—the U of T, near Casa Loma—a castle of substantial size, and a five minute walk from classy Yorkville.

We’re proud of our building which resembles a fort of sorts, outside and in.  And the floor, despite its slant, was built for a good view. From the point of view, when you would sit in a pew, it's not really bothersome at all.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

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