Thursday 27 April 2017

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

Durban / Johannesburg / Mauritius

Moving / Improving

I got in a few rounds of chanting japa (on the beads) and in the round, circumambulating the temple in Durban, before embarking on a flight to Johannesburg and then on to Mauritius.  A sannyasi (monk) is always on the move.  He’s always stirring up dust, in certain ways, influencing people’s lives while actually kicking dust in the air with his walking.

The walking for the day stopped there.  Your jet-age monk has different modes of travel.  However, nothing can replace moving one foot forward and then the opposite one doing the same thing; one at a time.  It was pleasant being at the Johannesburg airport considering the size that it is.  To go from one place to another, you are forced to walk.

For today’s sojourn, I had as my companions Kala, Dinanath, Bishma and Balarama.  Two persons cancelled out on this trip; one received notice of a new job which began this morning, and the notice added “show up, or else—there’s a long queue of people behind you that seek your position.”

The second person who was due to travel with us lost his passport.  I always say, “There are two things you don’t wanna miss out on in this life—the passport and the purport.”

“Purport” refers to the elaborations made by our guru, Srila Prabhupada, in his books.  Assimilation of these enlightened explanations will change your life.  Heaven knows we all need to improve ourselves.

Prove you can improve through the effort.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

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