Sunday 5 November 2017

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

Toronto, Ontario

Surrender Begins

One person I recently met—a year ago—is Gordon Martin of St. John’s, Newfoundland.  He’s someone making great changes in his life.  He sent me a poem of his which addresses “Surrender.” 
Here it is.

Surrender Begins

Surrender begins like a fairy tale
in a distant land
Begins as a dream unknown
scares us shitless

Surrender begins
a blanket with nails
letting go no option
Hang on to the known

Even if that known
Is the darkest night

Even if that known
has dragged us through
the mud, left us naked in the street

Surrender begins with a whisper
A candle flicker
Dancing, embracing the darkness
that peers in so close

Surrender begins
With the mystery of an empty page
The words elusive the ink dry

Surrender begins
A map without borders
A voyage with no defined destination

Surrender begins
loneliness in a crowded room
fear, emptiness

Surrender beings
With struggle
And pleads

I stand now on the other side of surrender
Knowing it’s grace and power

Looking at those who cannot see

Surrender beings with love
With letting go
With saying yes to life

Surrender begins
With tears running down my cheek
With falling to my knees

Surrender begins
With holding hands
And hugs of understanding

Surrender begins
With grace and forgiveness

Surrender begins
In this moment
In this place

May the Source be with you!

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