Saturday 14 April 2018

Monday, April 9th, 2018

Grande Bay, Mauritius

Together and Water

The soul that sits behind the ego always resists.  This is the condition of the spirit soul.  Surrender or submission to the Supreme is not the priority.

A few of us discussed this and other topics at Grande Bay, a place on the northern shore of the ocean.  It was a bonding time—community time (common unity)—for devotees from Phoenix and Bon Acceuil.  Sixty of us came together to picnic, swim, talk and look at the odd sea urchin.

We talked about the story of Sudhama and Krishna as classmates in school.  In the water, the men formed a circle and sang the guru prayers.  Tourists, some from France, took some interest in what we were up to.  I won’t forget the innovative percussion sounds we created just by the movement of our arms and hands.

I met Sanjay, a miserable man who runs the food booth, and asked for a mantra that would access him to money.  He had refused the maha mantrafrom others, but when he met the Swami—me—he decided not to resist, but to take it and have a go at it.

A second level of gatherings occurred at the Bon Acceuil temple where we read of, “Ill Motivated Dhrtarastra,” the blind king who couldn’t or wouldn’t allow a clear vision to be part of his life.  He was physically blind and spiritually blind.  He sat on a throne behind his ego.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

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